Läuten Der Seele – Läuten Der Seele
01.Die Welt durchs grüne Glas (00:53)
02.Kläranlagengesang 1 (01:01)
03. Das Biotop im Traum und in der Wirklichkeit (03:40)
04.Millionen Nachtigallen schlagen (01:14)
05.Ich ging durch einen grasgrünen Wald (02:36)
06.Merkwürdige Vögel erscheinen im Garten (03:14)
07.Irres Flackern vor den Altglascontainern (06:57)
08.Strahlenkranz Schweinfurt (03:52)
09.Kläranlagengesang 2 (02:32)
10.Erdrutsch an der Bushaltestelle (04:53)
11.Unendlicher Trost (01:50)
12.Gedanken der Mückenlarven in der Regentonne bei Vollmond (06:20)

1st Pressing of 200 copies on black vinyl
2nd Pressing of 400 copies on black vinyl

Behind the moniker ‘Laüten der Seele‘ comes the eponymous solo debut-album from Christian Schoppik, half of the confidentially acclaimed experimental dark folk duo Brannten Schnüre from Wurzburg (DE).

This first solo work is composed of 12 abstract audio collages based on transformed sampled loops from German 50’s Heimatfilme features -a popular domestic genre involving rural settings, romantic tone and simplistic morality, centered on love, friendship and family- jazzed up with a vast selection of instruments such as accordion, guitar, keyboard, flute and everyday objects sporadically used as percussive elements.

Schoppik’s new offering is a surreal -at times epic- and deep listening adventure into half dream/half nightmare atmospheres of nostalgia and bittersweetness, supported by masterfully crafted experimental songwriting and sonic aesthetic.

© Angela Dalinger

Credits: All track by Christian Schoppik / Mastering & Cutting by Frédéric Alstadt / Artwork by Nick Mott / Layout by Johannes Schebler